We are delighted to announce that after much preparation and planning, we are launching our Loyality Program on 1. January 2024 to reward our patients for their trust and loyalty to our clinic.
For births after 1. April 2024, we will offer extra discounts to our loyal patients.
We provide full support from prenatal care to childbirth and pediatric care. To ensure a relaxed pregnancy and comfort for mothers, laboratory tests, ultrasound examinations and additional services are all available in one place at our clinic.
Participants in our Loyality Program receive a number of benefits, including discounted package prices and other special offers:
- In case a patient buys the BASIC prenatal care packages for the time of the weeks 12-24 and weeks 25-37 and wish to buy the BASIC delivery package, we offer a discount of HUF 100,000 from the price of the BASIC delivery package.
- There is a discount for those patients as well who can sign up for the prenatal care package for weeks 25-37. They will receive a HUF 50 000 discount on the price of the BASIC delivery package.
- If the mother gives birth at our clinic, we offer a HUF 50 000 discount on the price of the pediatric package.
- Free parking is available in the clinic’s closed, guarded car park for the entire duration of the delivery package and during pediatric examinations.
- 10% discount on Maternity Beauty products.
- We provide a dedicated contact person.
- All patients involved in the program will receive a Maternity plastic card entitled them to the services and discounts detailed above.
For further questions about the Loyality Program, please contact our maternity coordinators.