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Éva Csatlós, M.D.

Dr. Csatlós Éva Maternity szülész-nőgyógyász
Monday 11:00 – 18:00
Thursday 9:00 – 12:00

Éva Csatlós, M.D.

I went to medical school in Estonia and graduated in 1994. I Was going for obstetrics/gynaecology from the very beginning, and by the fifth year I was a hundred percent sure about it. When I got back to Hungary I started to work as an unpaid intern at the 1st Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology lead by Professor Zoltán Papp and I continued to work here later on.
My priority is obstetrics and I love my job. I am always amazed by the creation and birth of a new life, how the behaviour of a human being inside the womb is unique already and how it develops further following birth. Our job is very complex, prenatal care and consultations are not just about following protocol but rather about the patients themselves, about people and families. We provide a kind of a mental guidance when preparing women for motherhood. I very much enjoy communicating with future mothers and fathers during the 9 months of pregnancy. It is a grateful and complex task. I have many patients who I met during my paediatric gynaecology practice, then followed their teenage years until adulthood as a gynaecologist, I attended their wedding and I was there when they decided to have a baby. I always recall these moments with joy.
I gladly spend my free-time traveling, we are trying to get to many places with my husband. He has a hobby which is “contagious”: he searches for and collects Eastern old-timer cars, I also got carried away by this world. I help him find these cars, we are visiting exhibitions, we met many of our friends at these events. I love reading, whether it’s a detective story, classical or contemporary literature, I’m always happy to grab a book.