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Barbara Rigó, M.D.

Dr. Rigó Barbara Maternity szülész-nőgyógyász
Consulting hours
Tuesday 9:00 – 17:00
(every 2nd week)
9:00 – 12:00

Barbara Rigó, M.D.

I finished university in 2004 in Budapest. I had worked at the 1st Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology since 2002, next to Dr. Petronella Hupuczi and Professor Zoltán Papp. I imagined a versatile and complex job for myself that includes operations. I wanted to work with children, stay in touch with patients, being part of life stages with accomplishments. It was important for me to find my place in my profession as a mother as well, so obstetrics/gynaecology was an obvious choice.
My favourite fields are ultrasound, surgeries, the challenges of infertility, problem solving to help infertile couples. Besides that, obstetrics is my other priority. It is still a great pleasure to be present when a baby is born, and ever since I have children too, I can relate to these joyful moments even more.
I was at the beginning of my career when my six weeks pregnant former high school classmate visited me. I had conducted a lot of deliveries by then, but she was the first one who asked me to assist during her pregnancy. Her beautiful son was delivered by me, and I am still in touch with him. It was such a positive experience that I will always remember it with great pleasure, but every other patient who puts trust in me and who I can help in some way is just as important to me.