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András Szuromi, M.D.

Dr. Szuromi András Maternity szülész-nőgyógyász
Consulting hours
Wednesday 9:00 – 12:00, 14:00 – 17:00
Friday 10:00 – 14:00

András Szuromi, M.D.

I graduated from Semmelweis University in 1996. Afterwards, I had worked in Veszprém for 1.5 years, then I went to Szent János Hospital. Besides that, I started to work at Maternity, which became my full-time job. I specialised in gynaecology and added a homeopathy specialist certification too.
In my job natural birth is my top priority, I put a lot of time and energy in making delivery as natural as possible. This is the most important to me, I work for smooth delivery of babies, in Szent János Hospital I had a role in introducing delivery without episiotomy and infusion.
I had a patient with myoma which was about to be treated with surgery. We managed to make the myoma disappear spontaneously by using alternative methods without operation. Two months later the lady got pregnant and both the pregnancy and the delivery was completely smooth. It is a wonderful memory, it is always a pleasure to find solutions for my patients.
Running has a major role in my life, I go for a run whenever I have time. I finished Ironman triathlon twice and I run 1 or 2 marathons every year.