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Gábor Vida, M.D.

Dr. Vida Gábor Maternity szülész-nőgyógyász
Consulting hours
Tuesday 10:00 – 17:00
Thursday 11:00 – 15:00

Gábor Vida, M.D.

I graduated from Semmelweis University in 1978 and I had worked at Csepel Hospital until 1993. In the meantime, I specialised in obstetrics/gynaecology. From 1993 I had worked at the hospital on Kúlvölgyi street until the establishment of Maternity, so I am a member of the clinic since the very beginning. I attended a laparoscopy course and I have an ultrasound license exam.
What I like the most is obstetrics, the miracle of birth has always been the one I was drawn to. My priority is natural birth, assisting and supporting it is the most beautiful part of my job.
It is hard to highlight one memorable moment, all that we experience as an obstetrician/gynaecologist stays with us. But there is one important and nice story in connection with my job. I got a message from a 15 year old girl through a social media site. The message was very informal and not too long. She wrote that even though we didn’t know each other personally, somehow we did nonetheless. 15 years ago, her mother decided to keep her after a discussion with me. I am pretty sure no one in the world has ever got a message like this, and I always remember it with kind feelings. Of course, every delivery and childbirth is a miracle, they leave a mark in me, in us, and we also leave a mark after ourselves. These stories and feedbacks show me that I am doing what I was meant to do.
I spend my free-time with my family, we have a 1.5 year old Golden Retriever who keeps us busy. I love traveling and new experiences. I appreciate being outdoors or hiking in the mountains whenever I can, and I also like skiing or going to the theatre, cinema and concerts. When I am at home I always grab a book.