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Infusion/injection treatment 10 000 HUF/occasion +the fee of the medicine
Anti-D prophylaxis45 000 HUF
Steroid injection for lung development 20 000 HUF/occasion
Blood deposit30 000 HUF
Blood units45 000 HUF/unit
Histological examination80 000 HUF
Medicines15 000 HUF
Preoperative cervical preparation for gynecological surgery10 000 HUF
Medicine/Albumin40 000 HUF
Medicine/Haemocompletta=Fibrinogen150 000 HUF
Medicine/Prothrombin=Beriplex=Prothromplex80 000 HUF
Emergency blood dispatch15 000 HUF
Ferlecit iron infusion12 000 HUF
Ferrinject iron infusion60 000 HUF
Treatment of pregnancy vomiting20 000 HUF
Magnesium infusion20 000 HUF
Diafilin infusion20 000 HUF
Order of emergency blood tests15 000 HUF
Emergency blood typing25 000 HUF
Belly belt15 000 HUF
Newborn's therapendic care90 000 HUF
Newborn's therapendic care in case of twins120 000 HUF
Extra night in case of gynecological surgeries100 000 HUF
Service for the attendant (in case of gynecological surgeries)50 000 HUF/day
Extra night in family room150 000 HUF
Extra night in family room (in case of exclusive delivery package)250 000 HUF
Extra night before induction of delivery 90 000 HUF
Late check out60 000 HUF
Meal25 000 HUF
Parking fee - in case of childbirth (2 nights)25 000 HUF
Parking fee - in case of gynaecological operations and same-day surgeries12 500 HUF/1 day/night
Parking fee - plus night 5 000 HUF/night


The outpatient examination fee can be paid by cash or credit card. We can issue invoices in English for private health insurance companies for rebate. If you would like to be reimbursed through an insurance company, please contact us at In case of direct billing through insurance company we charge 10.000 HUF extra fee for each medical examination.

The payment of inpatient service can be made by cash or credit card. We can arrange direct billing and payment for surgeries and delivery packages in case the patient has a valid contract with a private insurance company. For further information please contact our colleagues via email or

The fee of the healthcare service has to be paid after the medical examination and/or the intervention.