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General infant and pediatric practice

At our clinic, our priority is to provide high quality pediatric care to both healthy and sick young patients. We provide long-term professional pediatric care that fully replaces mandatory state-provided pediatric care.

The service includes everything that is compulsory in state-provided care (status assessments, compulsory and recommended vaccinations), as well as several screening tests that the child needs but which are difficult or impossible to obtain in state-provided care.

Our key screening tests include infant abdominal and cranial ultrasound, cardiac screening and comprehensive orthopedic screening with ultrasound, as well as a movement assessment at three and six months.

Parents who place their trust in us will receive all the services they need for their child’s healthy development by choosing a care package that is appropriate for their child’s age.

For ease of reference, these tests have been grouped into packages. The Baby and Baby Plus packages have been designed to take into account the age-specific features of child development, including the recommended vaccination schedule, screening tests and additional diagnostic tests.

In addition to the care of healthy children, we are also at the disposal of our patients—both young and old—in the event of illness.

We also have the diagnostic background (ultrasound, laboratory, cardiology, orthopedic s, gynecology) needed to treat general pediatric conditions.

Benefits of the Maternity pediatric care package:

  • includes the administration of compulsory vaccinations and the necessary vaccines
  • includes the recommended vaccinations and the vaccines can be purchased at our clinic
  • telephone consultation with the treating physician
  • prescription writing
  • certificates about healthy or sick status
  • issuing exemption certificates
  • issuing certificates for camping and medical documentation for international trips
  • performing laboratory tests


Pediatrician, travel medicine specialist

Mon-Tue-Wed-Fri: 9:00 - 17:00, Thu: 9:00 - 15:00


Pediatrician, travel medicine specialist

Mon-Tue-Wed-Fri: 9:00 - 17:00, Thu: 9:00 - 15:00


Pediatrician, neonatologist

Wednesday: by individual schedule


Pediatrician, neonatologist

Wednesday: by individual schedule


Pediatrician, neonatologist

Monday: 13:00 - 16:00


Pediatrician, neonatologist

Monday: 13:00 - 16:00

Pediatric packages

Baby Package 0-1
Baby Plus Package above 1 year age

Participants in our Loyality Program receive a number of benefits, including discounted package prices and other special offers: If the mother gives birth at our clinic, we offer a HUF 50 000 discount on the price of the Baby package.

Infant and pediatric orthopedic and hip ultrasound

For newborns, the first hip screening is performed immediately after birth by a neonatologist specialist. However, in addition to this, it is recommended to repeat the examination at 6–10 weeks and again at 3–4 months of age. Supplementary ultrasound examinations performed later can help in the early detection and treatment of hip joint problems in infants and young children. The purpose of the examination is to detect hip joint abnormalities and related hip problems early on. They are particularly used to screen for hip dysplasia and other developmental abnormalities.

During the hip ultrasound examination, the paediatric orthopaedic specialist evaluates the anatomy and stability of the joint, as well as any possible abnormalities, using an ultrasound machine. Based on the results, recommendations are provided for further treatment or care.



Thursday: 16:20 - 18:20



Thursday: 16:20 - 18:20

Infant and pediatric cardiac ultrasound

Even after birth, it may still be recommended to have an echocardiographic examination performed on the newborn. It is possible to perform cardiological examinations (including physical examination, EKG, ultrasound) on the infant at 4–6 weeks of age, in order to rule out possible minor heart defects, that were not recognized during the fetal phase.


Professor, pediatric cardiologist, pediatrician

Tuesday: 8:00 - 16:00 Thursday: 10:00 - 14:40


Professor, pediatric cardiologist, pediatrician

Tuesday: 8:00 - 16:00 Thursday: 10:00 - 14:40

Abdominal and cranial ultrasound

Ultrasound examinations of the brain and abdomen are also recommended for newborns if necessary, and routinely for infants at 4–6 weeks of age. This can help detect anomalies that were not diagnosed during prenatal ultrasound screening. In case of brain abnormalities, upon request, it is possible to perform a developmental neurology examination. The most common anomaly observed during abdominal ultrasound examination is the dilation of the renal pelvis. In the event of such, it may be necessary to perform the required blood and urine tests as well.


Pediatrician, pediatric radiologist

Friday (every two weeks): 14:00 - 17:00


Pediatrician, pediatric radiologist

Friday (every two weeks): 14:00 - 17:00


Pediatrician, pediatric radiologist

Friday (every two weeks): 9:00 - 13:00


Pediatrician, pediatric radiologist

Friday (every two weeks): 9:00 - 13:00

Pediatric neurology

Our pediatric neurologist conducts a variety of examinations to assess the developmental neurological state of children aged 0-3 years. The focus is on the physical and intellectual development of this age group, as well as related issues. The following examinations provide a comprehensive picture of the child’s developmental status, allowing accurate diagnoses and therapeutic recommendations to be given for parents regarding the next steps.

  • Examination of muscle tone can determine any abnormalities in the child’s muscles, such as hypotonia (low muscle tone) or hypertonia (high muscle tone).
  • Postural assessment can detect any postural deviation, including conditions like torticollis (twisted neck) or scoliosis (C-shaped spine).
  • Examining asymmetric or unusual movements can help to identify potential neurological issues.
  • Visual and auditory attention tests can help to verify the audiovisual integration that is crucial in the field of brain information processing.
  • Behavioral assessments can help in the early identification of potential neurological issues with signs such as excessive crying, feeding difficulties or sleep problems.


Pediatrician, pediatric neurologist

Wednesday (every two weeks): 10:00 - 13:00


Pediatrician, pediatric neurologist

Wednesday (every two weeks): 10:00 - 13:00

Pediatric dermatology

At our clinic, highly trained specialists take care of children’s needs, ensuring that our youngest patients receive the best treatment for their age. The pediatric dermatology consultation includes the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis (eczema), acne, diaper rash, viral warts, bacterial and fungal infections, moles and other skin growths or various skin allergies. After collecting a detailed medical history, we perform a thorough physical examination, which includes examining the skin and assessing the location and severity of symptoms.

Skin symptoms that appear in childhood can also be indicative of serious internal medical issues, so a comprehensive pediatric dermatology examination and treatment is essential to maintaining a child’s health. In case of clinical symptoms and complaints, laboratory tests may be necessary to choose the appropriate treatment, that can also be conducted on-site at our clinic.



Thursday: 15:00 - 19:00



Thursday: 15:00 - 19:00

Pediatric gastroenterology

A pediatric gastroenterology consultation starts with the collection of a detailed medical history, covering the medical history of the family and the perinatal period as well. It is followed by physical examinations, which also include the measurement of weight and height. Based on the obtained data, we analyze the child’s growth rate, taking into account the results of previous examinations as well.

Based on clinical symptoms and complaints, we conduct laboratory and ultrasound examinations. If necessary, we recommend specialized tests such as the hydrogen breath test, the C13 urea breath test, or the sweat chloride test.

Part of these tests are available at our facility. For tests that cannot be performed at Maternity, we assist patients with recommendations for specific partner institutions.

During follow-up examinations, we evaluate the results and provide therapeutic recommendations for parents to support the child’s health and development.


Pediatric gastroenterologist

Wednesday: 8:00 - 12:00


Pediatric gastroenterologist

Wednesday: 8:00 - 12:00

Pediatric pulmonology

During the pediatric pulmonology consultation, we diagnose and treat diseases of the airways and lungs, including allergies and asthma. After taking a detailed medical history, we conduct a physical examination.

If necessary, further tests can also be performed, such as pulmonary function and lung function test (spirometry), allergy test, pulse oximetry and laboratory tests. Imaging procedures can be arranged for our patients at external institutions if required.

During follow-up examinations, we evaluate the results and provide therapeutic recommendations for parents.

Our aim is to provide appropriate and effective treatment for all our patients to achieve the best outcomes possible.


Pediatric pulmonologist

Tuesday: 16:00 - 18:00


Pediatric pulmonologist

Tuesday: 16:00 - 18:00

Laboratory tests

We welcome both younger and older patients along with their parents to our laboratory tests, providing the best of our knowledge and experience.

Blood sampling can often be an unpleasant experience for children. However, the excellent specialists at Maternity Private Clinic have many years of practice and experience in drawing blood from infants and young children.

It’s important to prepare the child psychologically for the blood draw according to their age and temperament. The key to cooperation is earning the child’s trust. If the patient is an infant or toddler, calm behavior helps instead of preparation, and we try to perform the procedure as quickly and gently as possible.

Parents should know that drawing blood from children is not an easy task. Properly securing the child’s hand and other body parts plays a crucial role in hitting the vein. This process can sometimes be unpleasant or even frightening for the child.

The child may move, causing the needle to shift. In such cases, if the required amount of blood has not yet been drawn, it is often best to continue the procedure decisively, as it is less stressful for the child than starting all over again. During illness, a child might not be able to consume enough fluids, making blood sampling more difficult.

We strive to ensure that blood sampling and other laboratory tests are conducted in the most gentle and friendly manner possible for your child.

For laboratory tests click here!

Mobility development screening

During the first 12 months of life, the newborn transitions from a state of being unable to consciously move, to becoming a child capable of sitting, standing, crawling, and in most cases, walking by themselves. Early complex movement assessments help identify the underlying causes of any mobility developmental symptoms that may arise. Additionally, assistance is provided in the form of home exercises needed to correct minor deviations in the infant’s mobility development, and in recognizing any abnormalities in a timely manner.

For a child with healthy motor development, screening is recommended twice in the first year of life: around 3 and 9 months of age. If symptoms are observed, it is advisable to schedule an examination regardless of age.


Physiotherapist, TSMT therapist, Dévény therapist


Physiotherapist, TSMT therapist, Dévény therapist

Neonatal follow-up specialized outpatient clinic

We have initiated a special Neonatal Follow-Up Program at Maternity Pediatric Clinic for all newborns born at our clinic, allowing neonatologists to gather detailed information about their condition post-discharge and provide further care if needed.

The care of both healthy and at-risk newborns is extremely important to us so it is crucial that every newborn receives follow-up care during the perinatal period. The goal of this program is to identify those patients who require closer monitoring, regular examinations, and if necessary, early intervention during the initial stages of their neurological development.

The first step of the follow-up takes place in the delivery room and hospital ward, where the attending specialist identifies newborns needing enhanced follow-up based on their medical history and physical examination.

The second step of the follow-up occurs during the 1st and 4th weeks after discharge within the framework of the specialized outpatient clinic, where we gain a more detailed understanding of the newborns’ condition.

The third stage of the follow-up is a developmental neurological examination at 3 months of age, aiming to document the early neurological status and plan any necessary further care.

To this end, we have established a multidisciplinary team comprising neonatologists, neurologists, psychologists, and physical therapists, who work together to ensure the care of at-risk newborns.


Pediatrician, neonatologist, chief physician


Pediatrician, neonatologist, chief physician


Pediatrician, neonatologist, IBCLC lactation consultant


Pediatrician, neonatologist, IBCLC lactation consultant


Neonatologist, mental hygienist


Neonatologist, mental hygienist

Vaccination centre

Vaccinations ensure that your newborn baby has adequate protection against serious diseases. At the Maternity Clinic, we keep detailed and clear vaccination records, including those that have been given and those that are due in the future.

Our clinic is authorised to administer all compulsory and recommended vaccinations for newborns and children.  In addition to status assessments, our pediatric packages include the administration of compulsory vaccinations and the compulsory vaccine. You can consult with our pediatricians about recommended vaccinations, and if necessary, purchase the vaccine from our clinic.

Mandatory and recommended vaccinations (0-18 years)

Vaccinations and prices


Pediatrician, travel medicine specialist

Mon-Tue-Wed-Fri: 9:00 - 17:00, Thu: 9:00 - 15:00


Pediatrician, travel medicine specialist

Mon-Tue-Wed-Fri: 9:00 - 17:00, Thu: 9:00 - 15:00

Further areas of expertise


Prenatal care

Infant and pediatric medicine

Laboratory tests

Further specialist practices

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Make an appointment online!